This is a professional psychological projective method designed to reveal the compatibility between you and your partner. The projective method measures areas of your unconscious mind such as fears, doubts and attitude based mainly on the pictures that you choose. The goal of this psychological projective method is to give you more information about your relationship. The information can help you understand how some of your personal characteristics may actually be getting in your way – making it harder for you to experience lasting happiness in your relationship.
这是旨在揭示你和伴侣之间的兼容性一个专业的心理投射方法。你的潜意识的投射方法,措施等方面的担忧,疑虑和态度主要基于您选择的照片。这种心理投射方法的目的是给你关于你们的关系的更多信息。这些信息可以帮助您了解您的一些个人特征实际上可能会在您的方式越来越 - 使你更难体验到你们的关系持久的幸福。